Mail MadnessJennifer StavrosDecember 13, 2018Painful Self-Criticism, Painful Self-Criticism Father and Son, E.o. Plauen, The Story of Ohser, comic cards, history, Germany, German, Third Reich, comics from Germany, comics from WWII, postcards, postcards from Germany, lessons, holidays, dark history, joy in dark hours, Postcrossing, Holocaust comics, Holocaust card, postcard about the Holocaust, comics Sad Holiday Smiles and Painful Self-Criticism Mail MadnessJennifer StavrosDecember 13, 2018Painful Self-Criticism, Painful Self-Criticism Father and Son, E.o. Plauen, The Story of Ohser, comic cards, history, Germany, German, Third Reich, comics from Germany, comics from WWII, postcards, postcards from Germany, lessons, holidays, dark history, joy in dark hours, Postcrossing, Holocaust comics, Holocaust card, postcard about the Holocaust, comics
Mail MadnessJennifer StavrosSeptember 08, 2018Postcrossing, postcards, comic cards, Finland, Finnish Nightmares, Finnish art, Moomins, stamps, foreign stamps, Mail madness postcards, mail ramble, awkward card, postcards about public transportation, public transit, relatable Awkward Connections Mail MadnessJennifer StavrosSeptember 08, 2018Postcrossing, postcards, comic cards, Finland, Finnish Nightmares, Finnish art, Moomins, stamps, foreign stamps, Mail madness postcards, mail ramble, awkward card, postcards about public transportation, public transit, relatable