Jennifer Stavros

A Tale of Two Coats

Jennifer Stavros
A Tale of Two Coats

Sometimes the things that you share with someone may surprise you.

I should have exchanged info with that one. 

I really should have. 

I didn't though and....

"For Cristobal?"

He got in the car and we started the ride. I didn't expect much. 

I picked him up in Hollywood. He was in a dark blue blazer jacket. His bearded picture was not how he looked now. He was clean shaven and put together. He appeared like one of those types of passengers whom would likely be quiet and not chatty with quirky red and teal tipped me.

But he did.

Oh my.

"How was your day?"
"It was alright and yours?"

It was the standard formalities. The minutia of daily activities... and then the other part of LA life... 

Things turned into the conversations about how we had both arrived in Los Angeles.  I would find out that he is an actor here on a visa to work as one. 

"Was that hard to get?"
"It was but I wanted to be here. I'm lucky to have gotten it. I find a way to get anywhere I want to go to though..."

Cristobal told me that he was from Chile but had been here a few years but not before a bit of time in New York as well. He told me that his visa here, however was only good for a few years before he had to find the next path.

"That's amazing that you've been able to do that. Do you have anything that tethers you to LA?"
"No I don't yet but I would love a family. I can't wait to find someone..."

I told him about a story about Jonas and our day painting together.*

This story will be posted in Little Mom, Big City and you can read it over there.

"The day started rough this morning personally. I'd spilled my drink on my shirt accidentally. It's not a big deal. It's just a shirt... except that one was special. It belonged to my grandmother who died of cancer. She was an artist and precious to me and kind of the best thing ever. She had this way of making things better in just a couple of sentences. I have many of her clothes. That shirt wasn't that big of a deal but it's just the whole... "
"I understand the clothes thing... and the cancer sadly." he said as he grabbed his jacket and motioned.
"Oh no."

He nodded.

"Who did you lose? I'm so sorry for your loss?"
"My parents."
"Oh wow. I'm so sorry."

Cristobal was beyond kind about things.

"I got 35 years. I can't complain."

I was astounded. He was so so kind.

"I was there when they died."
"I was there when my grandmother died too."
"I'm sorry. I wear their clothes a lot too. The jacket and shirt are both theirs."

I pointed to my red pilots jacket.

"I wear this near daily. It was hers too. That shirt wasn't that big of a deal but it was. It was just a white shirt and I changed out of it but my son..."

And I told him the rest of that story and we both were in this little content and happy moment.

When he got to his destination we were both brimming over with the smiles of shared happiness of these loved ones who had changed our lives in both the present as well as the past. It was astounding.

"Thank you for sharing your story. Have a good night."

And with that he went to his party and I... contemplated why I didn't try and connect beyond that. But that's how the universe works sometimes. You get these little moments to connect and you just do the best you can.

What are you doing with your moments? Do let me know. But for now.. see you on the road. Stay tuned for more City Driving adventures coming soon!