Cloudy with a Bit of Sun

A card of all ways arrived on a day among days.

Sophie from the Netherlands sent me this great Banksy print card recently and I wanted to share it with you. The print is entitled "Step into the World out there."

Her message hinted about things going on with Jonas and was short but sweet. It started dated and with a weather update before going into the body of it.

"19 degrees-> clouds but also a little bit of sun"

There were stamps with trees and geese. Are there other messages hidden in the details for me to read into? Perhaps the perception is all up to perception.

But that's another blog in a different section... perhaps.

"Hello Jennifer. I read your profile with much interest. I know out of experience that your life can be overturned in a moment. Sadly the links in your profile didn't work. I wish you all the best. Take care."

I've not seen an issue with the links on the profile but I'm going to look into it to be sure now. I'm still thankful for the sentiment and the card. Hope those reading and viewing are as well. Have a great day.