Golden Getaway

The allure of red is strong with this one.
I made the decision to come up here spontaneously.
Many people wouldn't be surprised by this at all. After all, it was almost predestined in a way. How else do you predicate to a life after the blast of an aftermath like that which went down in...
"Are you sure you're ok?"
I wasn't.
I'm not even sure, weeks later, if I am or not.
But I...
Or so I...
"The bridge is red."
"You're not helping me feel better about you leaving..."
I knew I would be ok though even if I wasn't ok...
There was something about the city that drew me initially. It was more than just the allure of my signature color. It was an energy. A synergy. A level of curiosity. A pulling tenacity of positive and epic proportions. A draw of academic proportions and sense of perfection... in a real substantial way....
Or so I...
Hope is a strange thing.
Like fear, hope can propel you to do phenomenal things. It can push you through a storm or it can...
When I packed for the trip initially I packed for a weekend or a week. In my duffle bag were some absolute necessities:
Cowboy boots
Fancy toiletries and sundries
A couple of grandma's vintage dresses
These things were all revered and important to me.
They were integral parts of the upcoming journey ahead. Weeks later and... they still are. It's amazing how some things change but others.. remain.
I've been collecting funds.
And magic.
And stories.
And the golden getaway has hardened me with gold to fill the cracks of the broken mess I was left in from the wreckage. I have come to the bridge and jumped however not having jumped off that bridge.
"It's red." I said to a couple of people whom asked.
And that's the color I'm going to paint this town.
One piece of me at a time.
One moment bleeding all over pages and soul.
One step.
One great big jump.
Into that great unknown destiny with a ray of gold and shade of red to fill the sky as I fly on by through the pages of this part of the journey.
Stay tuned for more...
if the universe [continues to conspire to] allow it.
Have a good Friday.