Activism and Immigration

Because of course activism happens in my car.

Over the weekend of the infamous bans on immigrants from certain countries, the city was up in arms. I was the in between of many of these intersections as I ushered people from the local airport... good ole' LAX.

Some of my passengers were going in the middle of the big push while others came later. All were aligned on their linked passion regarding everything,

A crowd picked up not far from there was of flat track roller derby fame. They talked about their connections online in the background while they rode their short ride...

"I met Rachel online and she didn't want to even talk to me."

But regardless of the back stories.. there were four people in my car joining me with signs ready to fight and protest. It was wonderful to see their joined camaraderie.

Another set of passengers would come shortly after the ban was lifted...

These talked about how much this was a substantial difference for them.

One of the passengers on the ride was the son of an "illegal" immigrant. He'd come from Puerto Rico and, despite that being a territory for America it was not without its own hang ups...

"My mother came here and worked so much. I'm here because of her. I'm originally from Miami but..."

His mother had come out here without going through the legal processing.

"She started out here but she lives out in the east coast now. She is a teacher and teaches English as a second language. She's multilingual so she does very well here."

The passenger told me about how much of a difference being here was to him... about how..

"My mother was making $400 a month before coming here. It changed our lives...."

Regardless of what side you stand it was beautiful to be a part of history. These passengers were truly giving back. What is your side and why do you feel strongly about it? Let me know.

For these stories and more of the city, please stay tuned...

See you on the road.. activism or not.